Wednesday, September 29, 2010

20 Feet Tall

Whew! 20 feet tall is a giant times two. If were that tall im not sure what I would do. The world would be to small for me. I would probably have a rather difficult life at a size that large. I would have to have everything custom made. I would not be able to have a normal house, it would have to fit me comfortably and safetly. I know for a fact that I would have to live on a farm somewhere that I can grow an abundance of food, because I eat alot already and I am only 5"2 now. Life would be hard to function as a 20 foot tall person. Ecspecially when the average height of a male is 5'10 and the average height of a woma is 5"3 and the tallest person in the world was only 8 feet 5 inches. I would probably have numerous health problems and would be a practice dummy or rather an experiment for doctors across the world, curious about my size.Unfortuntely I would not be able to trravel out of the area I lived in because transportaion would be an issues, being that I wouldn tbe able to fly, drive, take a boat train, or even skateboard.  On the brighter side I would not have a problem seeing over people anymore as I do now. In class I wouldnt have to worry about getting the seat in th bakc if there were no more in the fromt because I would be able to see over everyones heads. I would have a good vew of the world around me and be able to enjoy it in a whole new way. LIfe as a giant would be rather hard, with some benfits but mostly side effects. I defenitely am happy to be 5"2 and would not wish upon my self or any one else to be 20 feet tall.


  1. Being tall does have its problems. I really feel bad for Yao Ming the basketball player. But on the other hand being tall has advantages. Being able to see over the crowd is one that offers an advantage. Well done save several spelling and grammatical errors.

  2. Make sure to use punctuation where it is needed, other that that this is well written.
