Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Why Math

# 8 Daily Blog  Prompt
Math is universal. People all over the world speak different languages, but math is the one thing that doesn’t change as you travel the globe. It is the one common subject that we as humans share. For instance, I and a student from china could connect through solving a difficult math problem. We both don’t speak the language, we may not even have some of the same beliefs, but we both know how to solve difficult math problems. Math is important in our history and our future. Math is the bases for some of the world’s greatest wonders like the great Egyptian pyramids, where our ancient Egyptian ancestors used math to build those vast sculptures. Math is important today in building technology like space ships to explore outside of our world, or airplanes to travel from place to place. Math is used to construct medical supplies and tools for hospitals for surgeons. Scientist and doctors use math to diagnose and treat, patients.  Math is used in jobs like bankers who give you the money you need or by cashers who supply you with goods and exchange your money. Nearly every profession uses math whether they know it or not. Math is highly significant for the productivity and advancement of our nation.  Without math, I am not sure what our world would look like.  Math is a required subject all throughout schooling and even in college. It is important that people understand the basic to the advanced levels of math.  With understanding math concepts people can go far, understanding how to solve and complete complex problems with solutions and sometimes tricks and shortcuts. This knowledge and skillful ability can help in any job, because almost all jobs and even in everyday life we conflict and solution issues, having a strong mathematical background would help in solving them accurately.

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