Monday, December 6, 2010


I love living in this current decade, and feel that I was placed in this one for a strategic reason. However, If I had to choose from all the previous decades and pick just one where I think I would fit best. If I could live in any decade I would live in the 60’s. Things were a lot cheaper then and you got a lot for your money. I was talking to my mom one day and she told me that when she was a kid she only paid a nickel or tens cents for thing like ice cream and cookies that now cost one dollar. Aside from the financial benefits of living in the 60’s, it was a strong political era, the Vietnam War started in this decade and Martin Luther King Jr. made his famous “I have a dream speech in this time. The sixties was a time of empowerment of the black voice. We as people stood as union supporting each other and did not breaking each other down with arrogance, hatefulness, and rudeness. Black people embraced intelligence and did not tolerate ignorance as so many do in this and time. The sixties was a time where people searched for who they were and expressed themselves freely. For example, hippies were a major part of this time period as they expressed themselves freely and found their oneness with the earth. The sixties was a l so a very fashionable time period. Clothes were of many different colors and being someone who likes a variety of colors I think I would have really liked growing up the sixties.

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