Thursday, December 9, 2010

Home school and Public School

The type of school we attend as children affects the way we learn and gain tools to understand the world around us. Public schooling and homeschooling are two types of learning environments that differ in how they prepare you for the world outside of school. Home schooling shelters students. People who choose to put their children in home schools may do so because they do not feel like public or private schools will provide the best learning experience. They may feel like they can teach their children better then other teachers can. I feel that by sheltering your children you hinder them from real life experiences and take an important part of teen adolescence in going to school with people there age. Once they get into the real world they will not know as much as kids who attend school with other children their age as of how to adapt and socialize. An important part of learning is based on your interaction with your environment. You learn from people more or so than you learn from books sometimes. Through interactions and real life experiences with people your age and younger or older you learn how to express yourself and hoe to get what you need to succeed. Sometimes in life it is not always what you know but who you know. I feel that going to public school has allowed e to broaden my experience and prepared me to be able to interact with people I society. I not only have academic skills but I have social skills that will allow me to go far in my future.

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