When I wake up in the morning the first thing I want is to go back to sleep. I wake up to my classical music ringtone alarm clock playing one of Bach’s famous symphonies. It is way to soothing to keep me alert. My sheets are always entirely too comfortable to fathom getting up.
I always take five more minutes of sleep; it really makes a difference in my day. In the morning I generally always hit the snooze button a couple times but eventually end up going back to sleep for another ten minutes instead. I wake up suddenly realizing that too much time has passed. I snatch off my covers and jump off my bed. I then head to the kitchen to eat breakfast and then begin making my lunch. My lunch generally only consist of two or more snacks, some apples, a few cookies, a handful of peanut butter crackers, and a bottle of water. Then I place my lunch in my bag and with my books and binders. I then head for the bathroom and take a shower and get dressed. I have a tendency to turn on the shower and leave the room. This waste water and money, which my parents often tell me. After I get out of the shower, I finish getting ready for school. This generally takes up a lot of time but I try my best to finish quickly. Every day I arrive at school just in time and take a seat in class. With a slight yawn I pull out my materials for the day and close my bag.
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