Tuesday, December 7, 2010

A new country

Over the past five years I have come to realize my passion for traveling away from my everyday environment. I am an adventurous person and I enjoy exploring the open world around me. Just recently I traveled on a mission trip to Salvador de Bahia, Brazil and if given the chance to travel to any country I would go back to Brazil. I loved being in a whole new area with people that all spoke a different language and dressed and acted different then what I was used to here in Los Angeles. I was excited to explore the city and its traditions and found everything about it intriguing. The styles of dance, music, the instruments, and games, everything about their traditions and customs made me excited to be there. I was somewhat overwhelmed by being around such a unique environment but I enjoyed every second of finding new things to indulge myself in. All of the people were kind and generous, something that I found very surprising because people are not as nice here. While in Brazil I learned about the Afro- Brazilian history of the country and found that it was closely related to African American history. It was interesting to compare my history to there’s and find out that even though I live I another continent I have so much in common with people the Brazilian people. Traveling is fun and I enjoy doing it when I have the funds to do so. I hope to travel all around the world but I think that I will always enjoy visiting Brazil.

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