Sunday, September 26, 2010

"The Bat Who Couldnt Fly"

The bat that couldnt fly would be a rather sad sight. A nocturnal animal unable to effectiveley explore at night wouldnt be so fun. For a bat to be unable to fly would be rather unfair. Imagine a bat sitting quiet in a cave, watching all of the other bats go out at night. He would sit there for a while and feel sorry for himself then, decide to do something positive about the unfortuanate situation. The bat that couldnt fly, would hop around the woods exploring bugs, animals, and trees for more bats like him. It would use its night vision to explore the night sky and the world around him .His other bat friends would  make fun of him for being incapabile of flying like them. The bat however would not be sad, that those that looked like him mistreated him. He would be close friends with the other animals that couldnt fly, like the bugs that crawled on the earths surface. He wouuld spend his nights with them, so not to be left all alone in a drafty cave. Life as a bat with no wings wouldnt be so bad.

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