Monday, September 27, 2010

A Monkey As A Pet ?..naah

I do not think that having a monkey would make a good pet. I'm not necessarily a "pet" person, although I do own a rather large fish tank at home. However, I am not the one responsible for it or the fish. I know that pets are sometimes seen as responsibility builders. I feel like children can learn responsibilty in other effective ways like chores or other household  and community responsibilities like gardening. Yes, pets teach us that we must have patience, oraganize our time whe nplans change, or to always be over prepared, but you can learn these things from other sources and situations. A are beautiful creatures but arent always the most desirable pets. For example, they do not smell the most pleasant, they are not quiet, and are not always the most friendly. Just a few years ago a  woman with a pet monkey was attacked by her own pet who she had raised. The animal totally ripped her face off, almost killing her. Clearly, having a monkey would add unecessary danger, and preparation for an animal that belongs with others like its kind. A monkey is a wild animal, I strongly feel like that is were it should stay, for the health, safety and well being of both itself and us humans.

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