Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Super Woman

If I could pick any superpower, I would most like to be able to fly. I think it would be beneficial, adventurous an exciting power to attain. I would use it to benefit society. I would fly around and visit my family that I otherwise wouldnt be able to see without getting on an airplane or long train ride. I would travel the world to see the Eight Wonders of the world. I would fly around the city and state doing community service, and delivering medicines, or food, to the those that desperately needed it. I would also help out globally. I would travel to Salvadot de bahia Brazil, and spend time with the friends I maade while there this past summer. I would also deliver food and American money to them. American money is worth more than Brazilian money, so it would be really useful to the poverty stricken indiviuals and families that needed it. I would fly the amazing artist that I met while in Brazil. A man that simply, sat outside near the beach on the sidewalk painting with his pinky so artistly, anything that you wanted him to. With only his pinky and a small toothpick, he made masterpieces. He was a true artist with the most unique talent, and I know for a fact that if he was in Brazil, he would be a billionaire.I would then, fly nextodoor to Africa and deliver medical supplies, and fruits and vegetables to villages that didnt have them, I would also take tents to protect them from mosquitos. After visiting Africa, I wouild travel to other continents, helping and supplying where necessarry. After all of this I would fly and home to my family and friends.  WE would laugh and talk and eat in our big  back yard. I would end the night watching movies, and fall asleep late that evening. I wuold wake up the next morning and do it all over again. My days as a woman able to fly would be bothe benificial and adventurous.

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